I'm currently sitting in a cafe at Incheon International Airport, waiting for our one o'clock flight to Frankfurt. Today's been good so far. It's been restful and easy-going.
That's not to say that yesterday wasn't those things. :)
Actually, yesterday was a wonderful blessing in many ways. Despite the LONGEST check-in line ever and a delay in taking off from Xiamen Airport (not at all a surprise), we were thrilled to witness blessing after blessing come throughout the trip. From cheaper luggage prices, to refunded money (still not clear on how that happened), to an easy meeting with a friend who was able to lead us directly to our hotel, to another discount, to a dinner at Taco Bell (scoff if you'd like but it's been over two years, and the last few months have been especially difficult), to a soft bed to spend the night on.
Even though I was fighting some head pain and nausea - which was probably more anxiety than any bug or ailment - I found myself smiling and thanking Jesus for the many blessings and the assurance that he is with us through this journey; from the beginning.
This morning, I had a moment to pause and enjoy. I thought about the many goodbyes that have been said in the last few weeks. Thought about the many who have joined with us in prayer for this next journey. Thought about how many promises have been given for this next season. Thought about the wonderful fact that we didn't have to rush to get to the airport this morning. :)
This morning I got a Dunkin Donuts coffee and I had a Taco Bell burrito for brunch. (Stop judging!!!)
I'm satisfied. No. I'm beyond satisfied.
I'm blessed. Beyond measure.
And I believe that this is just the beginning of what's to come.
Saying yes to this adventure meant a whole new dependance on Daddy. A whole new level of faith that I haven't known before. A whole new experience.
Someone asked me recently if I was glad to be leaving China. My answer: "I've been happy in China for four years because I know that this is where God wanted me those years. I'm happy to leave China now because I know that it's what God has told me to do."
I'm excited to be moving to Germany. I really am. Never did I ever think that this would be my life. But I'm thankful that it is. I think about the stories that I'm collecting and the experiences that I'm sharing and the lives that I'm witnessing, and I think, "wow! THIS is my life."
But the thing that has always gotten me the most excited is knowing that I'm right where God wants me to be. So whether I'm in China or Seoul or Freiburg or somewhere in Africa or Australia or the United States, it really makes no difference to me. God loves all of those people. And if that's where he's sending me, it probably for a reason worth witnessing. I want to be there.
I'm thankful for this life, despite the "sacrifices" it's cost me. It's not always easy. It's certainly not convenient. And while perhaps a little glamorous at times, there are real tears, fears and brokenness that happens regularly.
Be excited with me. But please don't forget to pray. And obey! You never know what God will do with one who is willing to obey. Love you all!
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