Monday, February 25, 2013

Praise through Pain

I wrote a new song a few weeks ago. Well actually, the lyrics got written back in July of last year. However, I felt impressed upon last month to write a specific song - a song to share at the forum I was leading worship for in Thailand - and in the process of working and praying that out, I came across this thing that I'd written. Amazingly enough, the melody came to me almost immediately. In a way, I feel as though the song wrote itself. What's most significant to me though is what it has meant to me personally since it's birth - because leave it to me to not recognize the full weight of my own writing until after the fact. :)

Being the non-attention seeking, super insecure person that I am, sharing my own music with others is still a pretty big deal for me, and yet I knew I had to share this with this wonderful group of people. And began to pray that God would show me how it tied in to everything that had been shared and ministered throughout the week. Prior to that I would have explained the concept of this song as 'worship through any season'. Then God showed me that this isn't just an "any season" worship song, but a song of worship through pain. Much of that week had been spent talking about how God is speaking and working and present no matter what the situation or "season", but especially in the times when it's hardest. And I thought, "Wow! This song is so appropriate God." And then, for some reason (I can't imagine how/why...), I started to listen to it myself and realized that this song was ministering to me in a way that I had not expected or intended. So naturally, if it ministers to me, I have to share it with others.

"In the midst of brokenness" and despair, when life goes on with or without you, we have a choice to either worship the God who is faithful always or give in to the pain and hopelessness. This song is my choice. Coming out of a season of great brokenness, desperation and need, the spirit of this song gives hope and encouragement to one who is seeking goodness and light. (Mind you, it was written prior to that season. God knew.)
I will declare the One who is always faithful.
I will proclaim the grace that He pours out on this undeserving child.
I will tell others of the Love that comforts when all other comforts fail.
I will choose to praise.

There is a light shining no matter how dark it gets.

**Blogger wouldn't let me just upload the Mp3, so you're stuck with a bad video of me. BUT you don't have to watch it. You could just hit play and flip to a different screen to do something else while you listen. =D

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